Meeting & Class

Monthly experiment report meeting

Once a week, we hold a debriefing session to present the progress of the experiment in front of everyone. During this session, we will discuss the latest research results. The students are divided into three groups, and each group gives a presentation approximately once a month. In addition to understanding their own research themes, they will also receive presentation training.

Weekly experiment report meeting

Once a week, we hold a debriefing session in which we present the progress of our experiments in small groups.

Literature introduction (every Friday)

We present the latest papers or papers related to your theme once a week. In addition to understanding papers written in English, the aim is to broaden your knowledge and perspective by understanding the research of other groups.

Research reports in Ōmura Satoshi Memorial Institute (every Saturday morning)

Once a week, we hold a seminar to which the whole members of Ōmura Satoshi Memorial Institute attend. Students from each laboratory in the institute make a presentation in turn.

Study group

In our laboratory, we hold a study session on synthetic organic chemistry once a week. In this study session, we will develop the basics of applied skills by firmly acquiring the basics of organic synthetic chemistry.